Identified Patient

Cer­ti­fi­ably one of the most revered under­ground DJs of the Nether­lands, Job Veer­man, bet­ter known as Iden­ti­fied Patient, has made a name for him­self as an oth­er­world­ly sto­ry­teller. His left­field mix­es take the lis­ten­er on a white-knuck­le ride of twists and turns, with no genre, tem­po, or mood off-lim­its. The Ams­ter­dam-based artist made his ascen­sion with some of Rot­ter­dam’s finest imprints, all the while fill­ing dance floors across the coun­try and through­out Europe. His style fus­es raw aes­thet­ics with unri­valed, relent­less ener­gy which he trans­lates into his pro­duc­tions as flu­id­ly as his DJ sets.

Gamma Intel

Gamma Intel is out to surprise, both as a DJ and a producer. He seeks to discover unfamiliar nuances in familiar worlds, aiming to collide unlikely sound sources into something fresh. While a meticulous studio craft is at the heart of what he does, it does not solely define him. Above all, his goal is to make you dance—not just to what you might expect. The Dutchman has been on this quest since his debut in 2017. Back then, the music he created was very different from what he produces now and what he will create tomorrow.